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Pot Lucks are popular party events in the United States of America and it is a large meal get-together organized by a family, a church, a group of students, or a department in a college, where everyone brings a different dish and all of the participants join each other for a fabulous feast of specialties. Because all sorts of things are brought to the table, everyone gets out more than they put in. It may sound old-fashioned, but I think it fits our modern lifestyle though it is somewhat against Chinese tradition that the host usually prepares all the food for the participants invited.


The idea of the potluck party is that no one family or an institution is burdened with the cost and preparation time of the meal and everyone gets to try something different that usually isn’t made in their home. Pot Lucks are also great opportunities for neighbors and friends to meet, for colleagues and peers to share their stories in life and work, for people to make new friends, and for showing off specialties.


Although the term “potluck” suggests a random assortment of dishes, it’s likely to turn out better when the host does some kind organization by discussing with and assigning your guests a specific course or beverage to bring along. Otherwise you might risk the chance that all of your guests will bring only desserts.

尽管“ potluck”一词含有随意携带食物之意,倘若主人与客人商议并分配下各自应带食品或饮料,效果可能会好得多,不然就有可能出现客人都只带屦帻ⅩI的情况。

The host needs to get ready some plates, cutlery , napkins and other utensils. The host must also be sure to have enough room in the refrigerator and a few coolers standing by to keep everything cold that needs chilling and for keeping ice for drinks, etc.


There are different forms of potlucks. For a potluck between 10 and 30 people, a volunteer offers his or her home as hosting place. During my two-year stay in the U.S.A., I attended many of this kind of potlucks. One was the regular terminal get-together of the Modern Languages Department of University of Wisconsin-La Crosse outside the house of a professor by the Mississippi River. We shared various delicious food prepared by the professors and the facilitators from over ten nationalities including Mexican, Russian, Spanish, German, French, Indian, Moroccan, and of course Chinese.

盛懋|形式多样。出席人数在 10到30时,便在某个志愿者家里进行。我在美国呆了两年,多次参加过这种聚会。威斯康星·拉克罗丝大学现代语言系每学期末会在一名教授家外(在密西西比河旁)举行这种聚会。大家共享由教授们和来自十多个不同国家(包括墨西哥俄罗斯西班牙德国法国、印度、摩洛哥,当然还有中国)的师生们所准备的美味擢I。

$200 出行大礼包
声明:此文章由 Meijia 2009-07-02上传,共计2367字。